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Murali Coryell: Music

Mr. Senator

(Murali Coryell)
October 7, 2016
Murali Coryell

Written during the 2016 Presidential Election Primaries, a certain candidate who I found particularly disturbing and was inspired to write about it and make references to his actions without mentioning his name. Thanks to Louie Ortega who guests on 2nd guitar.

Mr. Senator, I have some questions for you. You seem to be extreme in your point of view. Talking freedom yet you'd take it away from those who don't ascribe to what you say. Mr. Senator you're an interesting case. You have a happy and sad look on your face. Mr. Senator from the party of "No"! If you're not going to help then I think you should go. It's so sad to see a repeat of history. Will people ever learn not to let themselves get burned? Mr. Senator.

Mr. Senator, I don't like being talked down to but when you speak that's the feeling that I get from you. What's your solution, tell what are your plans? A government shutdown reading "Green Eggs and Ham"? Using fear and twisting the truth to make your case as if that is proof. It's so typical but we're so done with that. While people are suffering and you're getting fat. While raising up one hand and with the other, taking money from the man. Look what you've said and done.  What have you really won? Mr. Senator.

We need clean water and bridges and roads not a leader who acts like a squirmy toad. You're a puppet dangling on a string beholden to some powers that I've never seen. Mr. Senator who are you working for, is it hard working people or the powerful? You can use powers for evil or good. Make the right decision I wish you would.  While raising up one hand and the other taking money from the man. Look what you've said and done.  What have you really won? Mr. Senator.